It’s Time to Reflect, Refresh and Reboot

It’s Summertime

It’s June! That means it’s summertime!  It’s time to reflect, refresh and reboot. For six to eight weeks, there are many possibilities and opportunities waiting for you. You have probably made a to-do list of all the things you wanted to do during throughout the year.  However, does that to-do list include time to reflect, refresh and reboot? You’ve been waiting a long few months for summer! So, now it’s here!

Women look forward to summer moments. Often, it’s usually a time to plan for the upcoming family events, vacations, etc. It’s time to put the kids in a summer camp, enrichment programs or send them to grandma’s house. However, as mothers, you don’t take the time to reflect on your physical and emotional health. Are you one of those mothers, who never stop thinking about your children, spouse job,  and other responsibilities? Do you often forgo your health, because you’re busy taking care of everyone else?


Well, how about taking some time this summer to reflect and plan on how to take better care of yourself. Also, plan on how to continue to stay healthy throughout the year. Make your wellness a top priority. Probably, you are wondering how are you going to do that? 

What does your day look like?

First, sit down and take a load off. Then, reflect on how you are feeling physically and emotionally. Women tend to carry heavy loads mentally and physically. Sometimes carry the burdens like a badge of honor. You carry the stress around and never think about what causes it. What were some triggers that sent your stress level to 10? Afterward, how did you handle the stressful situations? Write it down.

Change Daily Routines

Also, think about your daily schedule. Jot down what your daily routine looks like. For example, do you wake up, get the kids ready for school, drop them off and then head to work. In the evenings it’s pick up the kids, prepare dinner, help with homework and more. For some, it’s caring for an elderly parent or relative. Whatever it is, jot it down.

After work, is there ever a time for yourself? Or, does everything on your schedule revolve around others? Write it all down. Get an idea of where your time goes. You will be surprised how much you do in one day. Don’t forget about the work you bring home from the job! Write that down, too. Finally, don’t forget about the household chores that you do daily or weekly.

Make Changes

Once you have written down the information, review it closely. Then see where you can eliminate or delegate some of the chores, routines, or activities. Then move on to think about your stress level and triggers. Stress is unhealthy! Stress kills! So, make a plan to kill the stress! You can do it by knowing your triggers and figuring out healthy responses to the triggers. Sometimes, the trigger is a particular person or a particular time in your schedule each day.

For example, You are scheduled to drop off and pick up the kids from school each day. Is it a task that you can delegate to your mate or spouse. Can you pay a reliable adult or teenager to pick up the kids a couple days each week? Also, if your children are old enough to do household chores, give them each an assignment. Remember, your health and sanity are a priority. So, it’s okay to make important changes to make your life easier and less stressful.  

Enjoy your favorite hobby.

Reflect and Reboot

After reflecting, it’s time to refresh and reboot. Summer goes by quickly! Therefore you want to spend as much time as possible to refresh and reboot. Sit back and relax. Listen to the birds sing and feel the breeze.  Each week of the summer, plan something especially for you.  Call it “me time.” It’s your time to heal physically, mentally and spiritually. What does “me time” consist of? Well, it could mean anything that you want, but here are some suggestions.

Take a vacation

Go to a spa

Take a daily walk

Tour your city or home state

Play a sport

Take an art class

Get a hobby

Read some books and magazines

Play an instrument

Learn a craft i.e., sewing, woodwork, gardening, etc.

Go to the movies

Create a quiet, sweet spot in your home


This is just a short list. There are so many more things you can do. Furthermore, you are in charge of your mind, body, and spirit. Make a plan on how to continue to stay healthy throughout the year. The summer months are an opportunity to reflect, refresh and reboot. However, you want to stay healthy for all seasons. Hurry and make your plan because the new year is just around the corner.


2 thoughts on “It’s Time to Reflect, Refresh and Reboot

  1. These are great ideas- thanks for sharing! I’ve also been thinking about how summer gives us the chance to do some introspection and connect with families.

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