Personal Wellness Journey
Wellness is a buzzword we often hear, but we only sometimes hear about how to obtain total wellness. Is it even possible to attain total wellness? The answer depends on one’s expectations and definition of wellness. Let’s find out a few steps you can take to begin your journey to wellness.
The pursuit of wellness is a personal journey. For me, the 2020s have had a few physical and emotional hiccups. Health scares like breast cancer and a detached retina knocked me down, but they didn’t keep me down. Emotionally, caretaking an elderly parent and watching my best friend die of small-cell lung cancer took a toll. They were more than life’s battle wounds because they cut so deeply.
Dimensions of Wellness
Many said, “Don’t forget that self-care and your health are priorities.” Yes, I bought into the self-care train, but I needed to dig deeper and find a path to wellness. So, I researched and read many journals and articles to better understand what it means to be well. I discovered the eight dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, financial, social, and occupational. Did you know there were so many dimensions of wellness?
During my journey to wellness, I also discovered the definition of wellness. According to the National Wellness Institute, “wellness is an active process through which people become aware of and make choices towards a more successful existence.” This definition meant I had to take control of my wellness. I needed to look at all of the dimensions of wellness and how each one affects my life.
The Journey is Challenging
My journey has been challenging, and it is still ongoing. Let me tell you a story about my wellness plan gone awry. In November 2023, I was on a cruise ship visiting the Galapagos Islands. On the last day of the trip, I began to see signs of a retina detachment in my left eye. It was a severe medical emergency, and I was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I had to return to Quito, Ecuador, and take three flights to return stateside.
As soon as I returned to the United States, I had emergency eye surgery to attach the retina. Immediately, this event affected several dimensions of wellness. My physical wellness was compromised, and so was my emotional health. I could not work, and therefore, my occupational health changed. Because my vision was compromised, my environmental wellness changed dramatically. I could not work for several weeks, so my financial wellness took a hit, too. This is a perfect example of how the dimensions of wellness work together in your life.

We are all a work in progress. Just like mine, your wellness journey may take a detour. However, I learned four crucial tips that have improved my wellness. First, if I asked you, “How are you doing?” most likely, your response would be, “I’m well” or “I’m okay.” Sometimes, those responses fly out of our mouths so quickly that we don’t catch ourselves. We may feel like crap, but we will fake it until we make it. That’s not a good start to the wellness journey, but it’s a process.
Consequently, thinking about my journey to wellness, I thought about a simple way to get started in four steps. Each letter in the word “well” represents a step in your journey. Let’s get started.
- W- Willing to make significant and small changes in your life
- E – Excited about the possibilities of the journey
- L – Love yourself first
- L – Live life with a purpose
Four Steps to Wellness
Now, I will go into more detail about each. First, you must be willing to make significant and small changes in your life. Remember, wellness is personal and your responsibility. No one can make you well. Ultimately, you are in control of your journey. Take a look at the eight dimensions of wellness and rate each on a scale of 1 being the lowest and ten being the highest. Review your findings and reflect on the possible changes you need to make to improve. Choose one or two wellness dimensions to focus on. Wellness requires much soul-searching!
Next, get excited about the possibilities after soul-searching and learning what changes you are making. Think positively and chart your next steps. If you decide to focus on financial wellness, what will you do to reach success? Don’t think negatively or tell yourself it’s impossible to save money or get out of debt. Negativity strips you of your control and power to change. Find resources to help you through the process. Wellness is outcome-oriented. Plot your course!
Thirdly, love yourself first. The self is the true healer. You’ve heard the saying, “If you don’t love yourself, no one else will.” Admiring yourself is crucial to completing a wellness journey. None of us are perfect because we are human. To err is human. We make mistakes and learn from them. Your positives outweigh the negatives. When you love yourself first, others begin to see the light of wellness in how you walk, talk, look, and smile.
The fourth tip is to live life with a purpose. Ask yourself, am I a purposeful person? What is a purposeful person? Even I had to ask myself that question. My idea of a purposeful person is that they step out of their comfort zone. They believe in moving forward with courage. A purposeful person reflects and learns their why. They see the importance of what they’re doing and want to make a difference in the world or the lives of others. Moreover, a purposeful person is outcome-oriented and in control.

Your Wellness Homework
So, you have some homework to start your wellness journey. First, review the eight dimensions of wellness. Next, you will rate each dimension and how it affects your life. Afterward, list the changes you will make to improve your wellness. Envision and describe in writing how these changes will appear in your life.
The next step is to show yourself love. Accept the good, bad, and ugly, but find the balance. In our humanness, none of us are perfect. Write down how you show yourself love and where you can improve. The following step is to live life with purpose. Here’s a great quote to help you discover your passion. “When you find your WHY, you don’t hit snooze no more! You find a way to make it happen!” – Eric Thomas.
The journey to wellness is a process of self-discovery. It’s a long game, so take your time with it. Soak in all the knowledge you gain about yourself, your life, and your experiences. You may need a quiet space to map your plan. One idea is a weekend away from it all. Book a room in your favorite hotel. Take your journal, favorite wine or tea, and comfy clothes to hunker down for a few days. Create your space for success. Ready, set, go! Your journey starts now!
Purchase a journal to chart your journey. Click on this link.

The article on Sustah Girl offers a comprehensive guide to embarking on a wellness journey through four essential steps: awareness, acceptance, action, and accountability. It emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s personal wellness needs, embracing where you are, taking proactive steps towards improvement, and holding yourself accountable. This structured approach can empower individuals to create lasting changes in their lives. Overall, it’s an inspiring read for anyone looking to enhance their well-being.