Create SMARTER Personal Goals for Your Well-Being

Create SMARTER Personal Goals


People set goals every year around this time. Goals can be professional and/or personal. Somehow, the goals seem to disappear around between March or April. You usually set goals around working harder,  losing weight and saving money. Furthermore, you want to do something fun, too. Maybe, you want to travel across the country or world. It’s great to create a goal to work harder, but your personal life is a priority, too. All work and no play equals no life!  So, you need to set both professional and personal goals. Well this year, you will set SMARTER Goals and begin to focus on your well-being and own happiness.

Your personal happiness and well-being should be a priority. Oftentimes, you are overwhelmed and feel that there’s never enough time. If this is your reality,  it’s time to make some changes. Don’t feel guilty because you want to do things that can bring you joy and a sense of satisfaction. For a moment, focus on you. At this time, let’s look more into setting SMARTER goals.

What are SMARTER Goals? SMARTER is an acronym for a seven-step process of setting a goal. For your goals to be clear and reachable, each one should be Specific, Measurable or Meaningful, Achievable, Realistic, Timely, Evaluative, and Revisable. Let’s break it down further.

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